Subarquivo HEA - Headmasters

Zona de identificação

Código de referência





  • 1818 - 2023 (Acumulação)

Nível de descrição


Dimensão e suporte

This collection consists of paper, photographs, books, magazines, booklets, newspaper, negatives, and CD.
4 boxes.

Zona do contexto

Nome do produtor

História biográfica

História do arquivo

Fonte imediata de aquisição ou transferência

Items have been acquired from many different sources over several years.

Zona do conteúdo e estrutura

Âmbito e conteúdo

Stretching back to the headmastership of Dr. Doncaster, this collection comprehensively covers the correspondence, publications, photographs and other ephemera of the headmasters of Oakham School up to the present day. For many of the headmasters, correspondence and rolls calls are a significant theme in their series.

This collection also contains an excellent record of speeches and sermons given by G. Talbot Griffiths and John Buchanan.

The final series on reports covers the headmaster's, deputy headmaster's and registers writings on the state of the school, including topics such as building and estate development, admissions, the curriculum, examination results, and Old Oakhamians.

Avaliação, selecção e eliminação

As far as is recorded, these items are fully appraised into the collection.

Ingressos adicionais

It is expected that this series will receive multiple accruals in the future, particularly for the present and/or future incumbents.

Sistema de arranjo

This sub-fonds is divided into 15 series. Each series is dedicated to an individual headmaster (HEA/1 - 14). Material has been manually sorted into files due to the sporadic and intermittent nature of the collection of this material. Each series has been divided into sub-series/files reflecting the nature of the material contained. Where possible in these sub-series, the original order of the items has been maintained. Any digital files are stored in folders that replicate the series arrangement.

Zona de condições de acesso e utilização

Condições de acesso

There are several GDPR concerns within this series. Concerns are highlighted on each individual items/ files entry.

Condiçoes de reprodução

Specific conditions for individual items/ files will be noted on their specific entries.
Any request to reproduce material externally must be approved in advance by the School Archivist due to copyright and GDPR concerns. Please email

Idioma do material

  • inglês

Script do material

Notas ao idioma e script

Características físicas e requisitos técnicos

Specific characteristics for individual items/ files will be noted on their specific entries.

Instrumentos de descrição

The four boxes are located in Cupboard 3, on shelf 3.

Zona de documentação associada

Existência e localização de originais

Existência e localização de cópias

Unidades de descrição relacionadas

Descrições relacionadas

Zona das notas

Identificador(es) alternativo(s)

Pontos de acesso

Pontos de acesso - Locais

Pontos de acesso - Nomes

Zona do controlo da descrição

Identificador da descrição

Oakham School, Oakham, Rutland, United Kingdom.

Identificador da instituição

Oakham School.

Regras ou convenções utilizadas


Nível de detalhe


Datas de criação, revisão, eliminação


Línguas e escritas

  • inglês



Zona da incorporação